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Managing a Remote Workforce – Video Blog

Today’s article is a video blog (below) featuring Ann Rhoades and Gayle Watson talking about issues facing today’s remote workplace.

Today’s Topics:

What are the most frequent issues or questions managers and companies have about work from home arrangements?

  • After 20 years the issues have not really changed but now managers are being forced to consider these things and high on the list is a lack of direct supervision and the effect of a lack of a team environment on effectiveness.


What we’ve learned.

  • The importance of operations and IT, hardware, and technical help for employees. The need to update policies, agreements, and ensure home is a place for work.

Critical success factors to consider in the new world of remote work.

  • KPI Dashboards, frequent verbal and visual contact, ongoing coaching, and dashboards.

What do successful leaders look like in this new environment?

  • Hiring leaders who mirror your values. Stop command and control. Trust is critical.

Watch on our youtube channel.

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Getting Back to the Heart of Business

These new core values guide my company’s team. They drive our mission to make IT simple and keep us focused on our vision to ensure that everyone we interact with is better off than they were before and that they love (or, at least, don’t hate) technology.

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The short answer is, we need to make the business case and have a conversation about the value of culture. Not only is managing culture the right thing to do for retaining and attracting employees, it is good for business.

The Built on Values System

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  • The role of leadership.
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