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Company Focus: Infusionsoft A People-Centric Culture

fun workplace environment

Companies who are living their values and exemplifying the concept of a high performing people-centric culture deserve recognition.  They serve as an example to model, learn from, and even envy.

Today’s company focus in on technology company Infusionsoft “The company that culture built”. (edit, infusionsoft’s name has changed)

At Peopleink, we are pleased to see Infusionsoft’s focus, from day one, on building an exemplary culture through lived values and even more excited for their success. Infusionsoft is winning awards in categories of Best Places to Work, Fastest Growing Companies, and Technology Innovation, plus impressive financial performance to top things off. There are definitely some smart people here, sounds like they’ve been hiring A players.


“Infusionsoft’s unique culture isbuilt around our core values, cultivating a place that cares as much about our employees as it does about customer success.”

The newly opened facility in Arizona is a warehouse-style building complete with mini football field. Despite its size, their space invites collaboration and serves to inspire their team to work together. The moment you walk through the front doors you feel the energy and passion in the people and in the room.

ann rhoades with clate mask

Ann Rhoades recently visited Infusionsoft’s new office to meet with the CEO Clate Mask and meet with the HR group. Here are some photos of that visit. Thanks to Mark Christensen for the photos and for keeping us updated on the progress of Infusionsoft.

Watch the Infusionsoft Culture Video with employees talking about culture and why they like the company. click here if this video is not opening for you.

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