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Business leadership

Getting Back to the Heart of Business

These new core values guide my company’s team. They drive our mission to make IT simple and keep us focused on our vision to ensure that everyone we interact with is better off than they were before and that they love (or, at least, don’t hate) technology.

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Ann Rhoades

Empower Employees at the Speed of Change

How did JetBlue Airways, win the J.D. Power award for highest customer satisfaction for 13 years? How did they build the right culture to revolutionize an industry? Jet Blue’s former EVP of People, Ann Rhoades, shows you how. Empower Employees, Lead by Example, and Bury Your Competition.

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people talking around a table
Business leadership

Inspiring a Values-Rich Organizational Culture

Some leaders believe that all they need to do is proclaim a set of values and organizational culture will magically change, but that does nothing to retool the values that control actions on the front line. Changing those inherent values takes more effort and can’t be done by any leader or executives acting alone.

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Launching Off the Wall Leadership

In today’s troubled times, what distinguishes successful companies from those that fail?  According to Jim Collins, author of Good to Great:  Why Some companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t, companies that win during challenging

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The Built on Values System

  • Our 5 step model.
  • The role of leadership.
  • Using values in hiring, rewards, branding.


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