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Organizational Culture

The Value of a Chief Culture Officer in Your Company

By Kyle Lagunas, guest writer. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)/Globoforce Winter 2012 employee recognition survey reported that 90% of the 770 HR leaders surveyed identified culture management as an important or very important challenge for

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hire A players
Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement Starts by Hiring “A” Players.

Gayle Watson, V.P. Of People Ink answers questions about employee engagement and organizational culture. Employee Engagement and Management Practices. Question: Lately I’ve been reading about employee engagement at work and strategies to help promote employee

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people talking around a table
Business leadership

Inspiring a Values-Rich Organizational Culture

Some leaders believe that all they need to do is proclaim a set of values and organizational culture will magically change, but that does nothing to retool the values that control actions on the front line. Changing those inherent values takes more effort and can’t be done by any leader or executives acting alone.

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diagram of values blueprint system
Corporate Culture

Retain Your Best Employees by Re-Recruiting Them Daily

But it isn’t enough just to hire “A” players. You must continually exceed the expectations of your people and re-recruit them every day. Don’t make the mistake of failing to recognize or spend time with “A” players. Leaders often assume “A” players don’t require attention.

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The Hiring Model for Values Based Cultures and Organizations

Values Based Leadership Involves Recruiting and Hiring “A” Players
One of the most important things you can do to create and sustain a values-centric culture, is develop a system for recruiting and hiring A players who mirror your values. What are A players? They are people who authentically live your company’s values daily. They can be anyone at any level of the organization. They are people who are dedicated and successful in their jobs and care about getting things done right. Obviously those are the kinds of people you want on your team.

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The Built on Values System

  • Our 5 step model.
  • The role of leadership.
  • Using values in hiring, rewards, branding.


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